
The project is focused on experimental and theoretical investigations in the field of prebiotic chemistry. Especially, hydrothermal conditions are chosen as a plausible environment for amino acids formation. Initiated by water, hydrogen cyanide/formamide and hydrogen sulfide, the one-pot hydrothermal synthesis provides a number of prebiotic precursors, including urea and the simple amino acid glycine. The suggested reaction network and corresponding feasible reaction pathways explain the formation of glycine, alanine, serine, cysteine and homocysteine in mineral water and hydrothermal vents.

Details of hydrothermal experiment: A. Photo of from Vlasa spring; B. Reactor of hydrothermal synthesis in the laboratory; C. The reaction mixture right after heating.

The project is financially supported by Bulgarian National Science Fund, Competition for financial support for project of junior basic researchers and postdocs - 2021 (grant КП-06-М59/3).